For International Women's Day Sodo pizza gave a discount of 18.4% to every woman to help raise awareness about the pay gap.
Here are some of the comments:
babecavelondon Shocking really!!! Good job you guys for highlighting this ❤️🌹👌🏼
growingcommunities Yesssss. We've always loved you @sodopizzacafe but now love you just a little bit more 😍😍😍💪💪💪🍕🍕🍕
helen_skehens@rae_finn nice! Love sodo!
fabsternation So clever 😂
hackneyhousewife You guys are so cool.x
andrewliu01 Love Sodo 👊 Try and do it all year round guys.
sarahclaysocial Brilliant!
ifancykitkat YESSSSS ❤️❤️❤️
birdflyingsolo You guys rock